English & Literature
What did Bernard Cornwell write?

Cornwell's works include but are not limited to Enemy of God: A Novel of Arthur, Excalibur: A Novel of Arthur, Sharpe's Battle: Richard Sharpe and the Battle of Fuentes de Onoro, May 1811, Sharpe's Christmas, Sharpe's Company: Richard Sharpe and the Siege of Badajoz, January to April 1812, Sharpe's Devil, Sharpe's Eagle: Richard Sharpe and the Talavera Campaign July 1809, Sharpe's Enemy: Richard Sharpe and the Defense of Portugal, Christmas 1812, Sharpe's Gold: Richard Sharpe and the Destruction of Almeida, August 1810, Sharpe's Honour: Richard Sharpe and the Vitoria Campaign, February to June, 1813, Sharpe's Regiment, Sharpe's Revenge: Richard Sharpe and the Peace of 1814, Sharpe's Siege: Richard Sharpe and the Winter Campaign, 1814, Sharpe's Skirmish, Sharpe's Sword: Richard Sharpe and the Salamanca Campaign, June and July 1812, Sharpe's Tiger, Sharpe's Waterloo: Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo Campaign, The Winter King: A Novel of Arthur, Sharpe's Prey: Richard Sharpe and the Expedition to Copenhagen, 1807, Sharpe's Rifles: Richard Sharpe and the French Invasion of Galicia, January 1809 and Sharpe's Trafalgar: Richard Sharpe and the Battle of Trafalgar, October 21, 1805.