English & Literature
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French Story Chapter Three:
A walk in the neighborhood
It's seven in the morning and it's very difficult to leave my bed! At home in the United States, it's midnight now. But there is a delicious smell, like croissants, and I'm hungry.
Françoise is in the kitchen.
Olivier: Hello, Françoise.
Françoise: Hello, Olivier. Here are chocolate buns. Are you hungry?
Here is the English translation:
Olivier: Yes! Are those not croissants?
Françoise: It's like croissants, but with a different shape and with chocolate inside.
It's good for me - I love chocolate!
Françoise: Laurent is at work and I'm going to a sick friend's place today. Can you stay alone for a few hours? You can go for a walk.
Olivier: Yes, no problem. I'd like to see the neighborhood.
Half an hour later, I'm walking in the street. It's very nice weather. Paris is so pretty in August! And the neighborhood is very curious. There are statues, lots of stairs, and Pacmans. Yes, Pacmans and other mosaic characters on the walls, the buildings, everywhere.
On the Suzanne Valadon square, a small red monster and the word "Paris". On the Place du Tertre, a blue Pacman. On the André Antoine street, a trio of blue monsters. And only five minutes from the house, a big windmill. A windmill? Yes, the neighborhood is very curious.
At noon, Françoise and Laurent come back for lunch.
Laurent: How are you today, Olivier?
Olivier: Good, thank you. But there's a windmill and Pacmans in the neighborhood. Why?
Laurent: Ah yes, the mosaics of "Invader"! He's a French artist who installs mosaics all over the city. He makes Pacmans, Space Invaders, Super Mario and Star Wars characters. And he's not only in Paris, but in other cities and countries too. Do you like it?
Olivier: Yes, a lot. I want to see his Star Wars characters. I'm a big fan of those movies.
Laurent: Yes. If you want, this weekend we can go on a treasure hunt for them.
Find Star Wars mosaics and you can see other neighborhoods of Paris.
Olivier: Thank you, Laurent, I would love to!
Françoise: The mill is the Moulin de la Galette. Today it is a restaurant. It is also famous for Renoir's painting, the "Bal du Moulin de la Galette". If you want, we can go to the Orsay Museum to see the painting.
Olivier: Uh, yes... no, thank you. I'm not a big fan of museums, Françoise.
Françoise: Okay, okay! I won't force you.
She starts singing and leaves the dining room.