English & Literature
Darren shan's hunters of the dusk
What are Darren's character traits

What are Darren's character traits
Darren Shan is the main protagonist of Hunters of the Dusk. Darren is a young boy who, in the first novel, steals Mr. Larten Crepsley's performing spider, Madame Octa. When Darren is bit by the spider the hospital cannot treat him for the poison. Darren goes to Mr. Crepley and agrees to become a Vampire in order for Mr. Crepsley to heal him. Darren fakes his own death and leaves friends and family behind to become Mr. Crepsley's assisstant. Darren hates Crepsley in the beginning and has a difficult time adjusting to his new life. In Hunters of the Dusk, Darren is chosen by Mr. Tiny to be one of the hunters of the Vampaneze Lord. The book is about the first encounter with the Vampaneze Lord where Darren, Vancha, Harkat and Crepsely fail to kill him.