Yankee Doodle Dandy

Who is Mary Cohan from the motion picture, Yankee Doodle Dandy?


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Mary Cohan is George Cohan's wife in the film. In real life, George Cohan was actually married twice, and, although his second wife's middle name was Mary, she went by the her first name, Agnes. Mary and George meet while he was still performing on vaudeville with his family. Since George had been playing the role of an old man, Mary comes to him for wisdom on how to get into the business. George asks her out immediately, and they remain close for years.

Mary is a beautiful, but quiet, woman. We do not see her open up to anyone but George in the film. While George is out painting the town and making his mark, Mary is the strong and supportive woman who remains at home. Eventually, however, we see George's love when he writes the song "Mary" for her. Even when he gives the song away to Faye, Mary is understanding and loving despite her disappointment.

