Women in Their Beds
How does Gina Berriault use imagery in Women in Their Beds?

Example of Imagery:
“Oh, take the liberty! That’s what I would have done if Ethan and Mattie had run off together and left me on this forsaken farm. I would have packed my satchel and my portmanteau and climbed aboard a train bound West, and gazed out the window at what there was to see across this vast country. City spires in the midst of wheatfields, and miles of chards with fruit on the bough, and high bridges over broad rivers, and mountains of clouds the likes of which I’d never seen, and birds of a kind I’d never seen before. And there’d be a city where I’d stay, and there’d be an old couple in a fine house of many rooms, and I’d tend them and see
they kept neat, and on my days off I’d wind my black hair in a fashionable way with tortoiseshell combs, and hold my head high, and go out to see what that city had to offer.”
Women in Their Beds