Women in Love

Who is Gudrun Brangwen from Women in Love and what is their importance?

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Gudrun Brangwen is Ursula's sister and she has attained renown as an artist and sculptor of miniature birds and animals. She runs with an artistic crowd, and she always wears brightly colored dresses and stockings. But like her sister, who has to feel desire inside herself for things, she can't just run along with the others. As the younger sister, Gudrun is competitive with Ursula, and envies her composure and self-sufficiency. Gudrun has an affair with Gerald Crich, and when they go away at Christmas together, he and she torment each other, so that Gerald ultimately walks out into the snow and is killed by the cold. Gudrun cannot settle down like her sister to a transcendent marriage, she just wanders the world, too intact in herslf to accept a partner.

