Women Who Run with the Wolves

What is the author's perspective in the book, Women Who Run with the Wolves?


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The author is both a worldly and well-educated woman. Because of this, she is able to add personal experience as an individual but also as a practitioner of psychotherapy. She writes from the perspective as an expert healer of the mind, or if readers prefer, as a woman who has the power to unleash the self-healing powers of the minds of others.

The author is an American and a Latina. This gives her insight into understanding these stories. She has had access to European and Hispanic tales, as well as other information from the indigenous peoples of North America.

The author writes the book with a qualitatively-personalized narrative voice. However, she also includes and recounts stories with the third person narrative form. She provides transference of the oral tradition by passing on versions of fairy tales and other cultural visions that she did not invent.


Women Who Run with the Wolves, BookRags