Woman on the Edge of Time

What does Geraldo come to represent in the novel, Woman on the Edge of Time?


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Geraldo, Dolly's pimp, is a violent controlling man who threatens violence to both Dolly and Connie if they don't do as he says. Over the course of the novel, he comes to represent the kind of controlling, violent authority figure that Connie blames for the misery of her life and against which she becomes so determined to rebel.


Woman on the Edge of Time

Geraldo, Dolly's pimp, is a violent controlling man who threatens violence to both Dolly and Connie if they don't do as he says. Over the course of the novel, he comes to represent the kind of controlling, violent authority figure that Connie blames for the misery of her life and against which she becomes so determined to rebel.


Woman on the Edge of Time