Wizard of the Crow
What is the main setting in the novel, Wizard of the Crow?

Aburiria is the fictional country where The Wizard of the Crow is set. While the author’s Kenyan origins have often led readers to assume that Aburiria is Kenya, it is important to note that the author has deliberately chosen to set his novel in a fictional place. Aburiria is a former colony, presumably once belonging to England since several of the characters lapse into English, rather than French or Portuguese, when they are looking to impress others. Through the story of the Ruler’s own rise to power, it is known that a Communist movement began to take hold in Aburiria shortly after independence; the Ruler brutally crushed this movement and has held power ever since. As a former colony, or what is known as a post-colony, Aburiria is shown to hold a delicate place in the world order, subject to the demands of the West. For example, Aburiria, which takes loans out from the West, still ends up giving much of its raw materials and resources to these Western powers, governments, and corporations.
Wizard of the Crow, BookRags