Wizard's First Rule

Who is Zedd from Wizard's First Rule and what is their importance?

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Richard's elderly friend Zedd is an herbalist and cloud-reader, an irritable but charming old man. He is skinny but has an almost bottomless appetite. Zedd is skilled in healing, and knows the uses of all of the plants in the forest, which he passes on to Richard. Kahlan quickly recognizes that Zedd is Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander, the powerful first wizard. His name itself sounds like a magical incantation. Richard has long suspected that his friend has magical powers. As First Wizard, Zedd becomes angry when his disciples including the wizard Giller begin interfering in politics. They even become members of the courts of kings and queens, instead of remaining impartial. Some also help the nobles abuse innocent peasants. Precious magical relics like the boxes of Orden are given as prizes to prominent citizens. Zedd hides the Book of Counted Shadows where a beast guards it well. His efforts anger Darken Rahl and the villain's father. Darken Rahl rapes Zedd's daughter. Zedd retaliates, shooting wizard fire that scars Darken Rahl's thighs and crotch. In return, Rahl's father sets a fire that kills Zedd's beloved wife. Disgusted with the turn magic is taking, Zedd flees to Westland where magic is forbidden. Powerful spells at the People's Palace of Darken Rahl inhibit Zedd's powers and limit his ability to help Richard.

