With Teeth
What is the main setting in the novel, With Teeth?

Orlando, Florida is the novel's primary setting. Sammie and Monika reside here with their son Samson. Although Sammie likes Florida, where she has spent the majority of her life, she often feels trapped in Orlando. In Chapter 4, the narrator directly addresses this dynamic saying that "There were no gay mommy groups in Orlando, hardly any gay people in [Sammie's] everyday interactions besides her wife" (53). Because Sammie and Monika are one of the only queer couples living in Orlando, Sammie often misses "the queer people she'd hung around with when she was single" (52). All of the other mothers are not only heterosexual, but appear to have no interest in getting to know Sammie. Therefore, Sammie's life in Orlando lacks a sense of community.
With Teeth, BookRags