Wish You Were Here

What is the main setting in the novel, Wish You Were Here?


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Finn works as a medical resident at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, where most of his story takes place. Additionally, Diana is treated for Covid at New York-Presbyterian. She is placed in the ICU and subsequently on a ventilator due to her critical health. Finn narrates his parts of the story next to Diana while she is unconscious, although his narration is presented in the form of emails in Part 1 of the story. Diana goes through an existential crisis in the hospital after she is extubated, wondering why she was given a second chance and spared from Covid. New York-Presbyterian saves Diana’s life, getting her through the worst of Covid and providing her with rehabilitation afterward in order to send her home. Diana speaks with many people, gaining a handful of varying viewpoints on life and happiness, while she recovers at the hospital.


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