Win: A Novel

What is the author's style in the book, Win: A Novel?


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The novel is set up as a mystery and a thriller. The mystery lies in discovering who killed Ry. The next mystery lies in uncovering whether Ry was one of the men involved with the Hut of Horrors, Aldrich’s murder, and Patricia’s kidnapping. Another mystery concerns Arlo’s whereabouts. The thriller relies on learning when Win will discover the truth about the events surrounding Aldrich’s murder and his connection to Ry. Like a thriller and a mystery, the structure contains misdirection, rising tension, a confrontation, and a resolution.

The author embeds Win’s growth journey within the mystery. At the beginning of the narrative, Win searches blindly for the truth and justice without thinking of the consequences. By the end of the narrative, he realizes that his form of justice has consequences and that secrets are sometimes best left untold. He also learns to accept his feelings of familial love towards Ema.


Win: A Novel, BookRags