Wildwood (Wildwood Chronicles)

Is Lars Svik an effective leader in the novel, Wildwood (Wildwood Chronicles)?


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In essence, no. Lars Svik, the nephew of the former Governor-Regent, Grigor Svik, is the current ruler of South Wood. He came to power after the Dowager Governess was thrown out and sent into exile in the Wild Wood, and he wrongly believes that everything is fine in the kingdom. Lars ignores the reports from the birds in the Avian Principality that forces from the Wildwood have been attacking them. Lacking in confidence and overwhelmed by the work in front of him as he attempts to govern South Wood. He functions as the face of the government. However, in reality there are many counselors who are whispering advice and instructions in his ear, telling him what to believe and what decisions to make.


Wildwood (Wildwood Chronicles)