Wilde Lake

What is the narrator point of view in the novel, Wilde Lake?


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The narrative is written from two distinctive points of view which appear to be based on the time period where the author wants the reader to place their focus. The sections dealing with Lu's childhood use Lu's first person perspective. This is appropriate given that it helps support the truth motif. Can one really know the whole truth? Lu is there when the events she tells happen. This is her life, yet none of what she thinks to be true is the real truth because it is based on what others tell her. She does not even know the meaning of what she sees and hears at times until later in life.

The narrative that takes place in the present uses a limited third person point of view from Lu's perspective. It is a more removed stance as is appropriate as it is following a murder investigation. It is well handled in that readers can sense Lu's desire to win and to be respected in her own right. She is intelligent and readers can follow her thought process as she pieces together the evidence.


Wilde Lake, BookRags