White Cat, Black Dog: Stories

What is a short summary of the story, The Game of Smash and Recovery, from the collection, White Cat, Black Dog: Stories?


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The Game of Smash and Recovery follows siblings Anat and Oscar on their planet Home, where Anat is protected by Handmaids from vampires. Oscar gives Anat a gift, hinting at their parents' absence. They live in the Bucket, exploring Home and playing games together. During Anat's birthday, Oscar hides markers in the forbidden territory, testing Anat's skills. Anat receives a recording from her parents but realizes only Oscar truly knows her. She discovers a map hinting at a lost ship and realizes her true identity. Oscar tries to stop her, but Anat, now merged with the ship's consciousness, moves forward. The ship embarks on a mission with Anat and Oscar aboard, while the Handmaids maintain it.


White Cat, Black Dog: Stories