Whispers Through a Megaphone

What is an example of irony in the novel, Whispers Through a Megaphone?


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Sadie's phone represents the irony of Sadie's social life. She constantly shares with the world all of the minutia of her day through Twitter and blog posts. Strangers, even some that are Ralph's patients, know more about Sadie than her husband. Interestingly, they know more about her clothing and the bars she likes, but they also can see right through to the core of Sadie. One woman even asks Ralph whether he thinks Sadie is going to end up with Kristen. Sadie's phone takes her focus away from maintaining the relationship with her husband and sons, and places it on sharing with the world. This however, might be intentional. Sadie never truly loved Ralph, so it is possible that her constant updating is a way for her to channel her sense of emptiness into something else, to escape the world she chose out of responsibility, and enter into the world in which she really hopes to reside.


Whispers Through a Megaphone