Whispers Through a Megaphone

How does the author use flashback in the novel, Whispers Through a Megaphone?


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The book Charlotte's Web appears in Miriam's flashback to her childhood. Miriam goes to great lengths to buy a used copy of the book. When her mother finds her reading it, she grabs the book and hits Miriam with it, reminding her that there is no difference between fantasy and fiction. This interaction between them represents a world taken away from Miriam by her mother. She now has no place to go, no imaginary world, safe from the realities of life. The fact that the book used to relay this message is no accident. In the story, a little girl named Fern understands the language of the animals. A spider saves a pig's life by writing words in her web. The loving friendships created in the book are representative of everything Miriam lacks in her own life. She is confined to her home, much like Wilbur the pig, but she has no 'Charlotte' to look out for her, protect her, sing her comforting songs at night or tell the world how wonderful she is.


Whispers Through a Megaphone