Where the Red Fern Grows
Where the Red Fern Grows
what happend when billy was walking through town

what happend when billy was walking through town
Billy's walk through town is an adventure. He is overwhelmed by the stores, buggies, and his first view of a real gun-toting lawman. He sees a double-barreled gun in a store window, a window in which he also sees his full reflection for the first time. Billy then goes into the store and buys gifts for his family. Afterward, Billy heads for the depot, sees a man mowing the lawn (another first), and passes a playground, where he meets a group og boys who make fun of him because of his bare feet. When the children return to their school, he climbs the pipe to try the shoot, from which, he splatters on the ground, causing a little old lady to laugh at him. Billy enjoys his walk, but he is unable to figure out who the townspeople stare and laugh at him.
Where the Red Fern Grows