Where the Red Fern Grows

importance of his family to him

importance of his family to him

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Billy's family make up the supporting characters that keep Billy grounded. Mother, in particular, is a traditional strong and nurturing farm woman. She is very religious and guides Billy's greater life questions with honesty and kindness. I think Billy’s sisters play a lesser role. They help with chores and provide the experience of family to Billy. They don't directly influence Billy to a great degree. Mr. Colman is a hardworking farmer with little time for leisure and little patience with foolishness. He has tremendous patience, though, with his wife and children, and he is Billy's primary guide on the passage to manhood. Grandpa is, undoubtedly, Billy's compass and inspiration. While running an efficient business and treating Billy like a bona fide customer, he looks for chances to treat Billy and his sisters to some candy.