When the English Fall

What observations does Jacob make about the weather in the novel, When the English Fall?


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Jacob's observations go from "it was a hotter morning today," to "the morning found the world again touched by a coolness" in just a few days (68, 95). A few days after that, a devastating hurricane hits the area. It causes flooding and destruction similar to modern hurricanes, like Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Maria. Jacob is aware of the shifting weather, and remarks that the weather now is "so hard to predict" (214). This changing weather, that brings hot and freezing days in October without warning, makes farming more difficult. Jacob worries about "a frost taking" the last of the season's crops, because there are now sporadic days of extreme cold, as well as heat (214). Climate change's affect on the earth can thus be seen on a small scale in the way that the weather affects Jacob's crops.


When the English Fall