When the Beginning Began

What is the setting in the novel, When the Beginning Began?


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There is Heaven. At first all was darkness: All they [the angels] did was sit. It was so dark they didn't even know they were sitting. Since they couldn't see anything or go anywhere, there was nothing to talk about—except how dark it was. Once a day or once every million years—what did they know?—Moe, Aviva, Jennifer, or one of the other angels would say, "Sure is dark."

Then God said "light" and everybody could see. This became the beginning of God's Creation, which eventually included a world that God populated with creatures.

This world, Earth, was the subject of debate among the angels, some of whom were not sure they liked God creating it. Satan claimed that anyone could have created Earth, if he or she felt like it. Others admired Earth for its colors and life. Then God created human beings, and the plot begins to thicken.


When the Beginning Began, BookRags