When You Trap a Tiger

What is the importance of Ricky's hats in the novel, When You Trap a Tiger?


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Ricky's hats symbolize his individuality and unabashed personality. From the very beginning, Ricky does not try to impress Lily or her family, nor does he conform to the strict ideals of his father, nor to the expectations of his teachers. He is failing a class at school but educates himself by reading avidly, and he welcomes Lily into his friend group without a thought as to whether she would like his friends. When wearing his wacky hats and changing them up every day, Ricky further confirms that he is proud of who he is and, in fact, knows of no other way to be. His creativity and exuberance shine in his choice of hats, and the reader learns that it was his mother who first taught him to be so unabashedly creative and confident.


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