When No One Is Watching

Is Sydney considered a reliable narrator in the novel, When No One Is Watching?


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Sydney is an unreliable narrator as a result of the psychological abuse and gaslighting she received from her ex-husband, Marcus. Sydney internalizes Marcus’ attacks on her sanity to the extent that she doubts her own instincts and conclusions. The reader might infer that generations of racism and maltreatment from white society also contribute to Sydney’s self-doubt. Sydney suffers panic attacks and binge drinks while dealing with the emotional loss of her mother, intensifying the suggestion that her suspicions may be inaccurate. Sydney even admits her poor taste in men, setting up the possibility that Theo may be untrustworthy despite his seemingly good intentions. However, Sydney’s internal monologue shows she is aware of her unreliability, lending an ironic credence to her perspective as she faces escalating threats throughout the novel.


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