When Dimple Met Rishi

What is the importance of the "gold ring" Rishi wants to give to Dimple in the novel, When Dimple Met Rishi?


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The ring that Rishi shows Dimple in Chapter 5 symbolizes how they had each misinterpreted the situation. It also symbolizes the importance of Rishi’s family, and everything Dimple is afraid of. Chapter 4 ends with Rishi calling Dimple his future wife, Dimple throwing her coffee on him, and Rishi calling his father subsequently miserable. His father asks about the “special gift” and tells Rishi she is probably very traditional (28). Later Rishi finds Dimple again and shows her the ring, explaining it belonged to his great-grandmother and why he was talking to her. When Dimple sees the ring she thinks, “This wasn’t just an arranged marriage to Rishi; this was the rich fabric of history stretched through time and space” (35). Dimple realizes what is going on and how much this means to Rishi, even though the idea of marriage scares her. Dimple is at Insomnia Con to learn about coding, and resents that her parents set her up unknowingly with this stranger. The ring represents everything Dimple is afraid of, while for Rishi it represents everything he wants.


When Dimple Met Rishi