When Dimple Met Rishi

What is an example of symbolism in the novel, When Dimple Met Rishi?


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Pocky sticks symbolize how Dimple’s habits have grown on Rishi. Pocky sticks are a chocolate treat that are Dimple’s favorite. Dimple first talks about them in Chapter 19 when she goes to Rishi’s room for the first time. She sees he has an Indian snack, and Rishi tells her his mother packed it for him. Rishi does not know what they are and Dimple says, “We have to remedy that” (126). Later Dimple officially introduces Rishi to pocky sticks in Chapter 45 as they walk home from dinner in the fog together. Then in Chapter 55, after spending the summer together, and right before they break up, Menon writes how “the Pocky sticks he’d inhaled earlier in his room threatened to make a comeback” (350). This shows how Dimple has made an unintentional impact on Rishi’s habits, and how they have grown close. Instead of snacking on his mother’s Indian snacks, he has now switched to his girlfriend’s snacks.


When Dimple Met Rishi