When Dimple Met Rishi

How does the author use allusion in the novel, When Dimple Met Rishi?


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The novel, A Wrinkle in Time, symbolizes Rishi’s thoughtfulness, Dimple’s own interpretation of herself, and how fate brought Rishi and Dimple together. When Rishi shows Dimple his sketchbook in Chapter 27, they realize they met accidentally at a wedding when they were kids. Rishi was making paper flowers while Dimple read A Wrinkle in Time. Later when they go on their non-date, Rishi sets up an arrangement for A Wrinkle in Time to be there waiting for her at her seat in the restaurant. He even makes sure it is the same edition as the year they met. Dimple is touched by Rishi’s thoughtfulness and the romance of the situation. The book symbolizes their fateful meeting as children, and again as teenagers. Also, the main female character of A Wrinkle in Time, Meg, is also similar to Dimple. She is a wild-haired girl who is introverted and different, and very interested in science - all mimicking Dimple’s looks, personality, and interests. When Rishi buys the book for Dimple, he validates Dimple’s different and unique personality, implying that he likes her as she is.


When Dimple Met Rishi