Wheat That Springeth Green

In what way does the character of Michael Toohey serve as Joe's archnemesis in the novel, Wheat That Springeth Green?


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Frenemies as kids growing up in the same parish (Catfish’s father drove delivery trucks for Joe’s family’s coal business), Catfish is among the kids who mock Joe’s performance as Jesus and later his stumble at the sack race. Later they are classmates in the seminary, Toohey does professionally what Joe cannot do: he works his way up through the nasty and aggressively selfish politics of Church administration. As a diocesan administrator, a Monsignor, he never misses a chance even years after their schooling to prick his old nemesis. Toohey does not send along the name of Joe’s new curate causing days of awkwardness. Toohey helps with the venereal disease prank. Toohey is behind the Archbishop’s photo op debacle. As character, he suggests the cruel behavior and selfish motivations of those priests who embrace the superstructure of authority.


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