What We Were Promised

What is the importance of Lanson Suites in the novel, What We Were Promised?


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Lanson Suites is a luxurious serviced hotel in Pudong New District where Sunny works and where the Zhen family lives. This is not the sort of hotel that people stay at for a short vacation, but where expat families lived full time, receiving the benefits of full-time cleaning staff and kitchen service. The Zhen’s apartment was one of the biggest in Tower Eight, and Lina loved its dark wood walls, expansive accommodations, and the amenities such as three pools, two gyms, four relaxation rooms, two business lounges, a billiards room, a child-care center. Wei loved it for his office space, which had floor-to-ceiling windows with an excellent view, where he regularly retreated to. The back courtyard has a sculpture garden and the towers were surrounded by other high-rises and lights.


What We Were Promised, BookRags