What I Really Think of You
How does the author use flashback in the novel, What I Really Think of You?

The technique of flashback is used to convey the major portion of the story. While the immediate action takes place during one day, events and conditions that precipitated it occurred over an extended period in the lives of the characters. Opal begins the story by observing the current events in her home on what appears to be a typical Sunday. Her reflections reveal much about the physical appearances of each member of the family and the family's lifestyle. The argument that is taking place between Bobby John and his father over bumper stickers is only an example of the types of arguments in which they customarily engage. Opal's nature as a quiet, serious, solemn person becomes apparent. It becomes clear, also, that Opal often allows herself to daydream and occasionally separates herself, mentally, from unpleasant circumstances. When Jesse Pegler begins his account of the story in the following chapter, his entire account is a flashback to a series of past events that brought his family to their current position. Jesse's account acquaints the reader with the physical appearances and lifestyle of the Pegler family. Both Opal's and Jesse's accounts throughout the story are structured in such a way as to acquaint the reader with the background that supports the current action.
What I Really Think of You, BookRags