What About Grandma?

How is Wyn's house described in the novel, What About Grandma?


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Wyn's house is large and is distinguished by a "big glass front door flanked by stained glass panels that made a rainbow on the hallway floor even on dark days." The house has five bedrooms, a sun porch, a big wraparound front porch, an attic, a basement, a fireplace and a winding stairway. The house is a perfect setting for nurturing daydreams, explorations, aspirations and, eventually, memories of childhood. There are intimations of warmth, safety and security in the fragrances emanating from the big kitchen, in the heavy dark paneling everywhere and, even, in the big, heavy and "ugly" furniture. In the yard are the ubiquitous elm trees and a white rock driveway. Behind the house is a large lake with a beach. Wyn's house and the small town of Preston are in sharp contrast to the turbulent emotions experienced by the principal characters in the story during a period of one summer.


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