We'll Always Have Summer
I need symbols
Symbols from the book we'll always have summer and meanings

Symbols from the book we'll always have summer and meanings
Here are a few:
Junior Mint is a symbol of Belly's subconscious love for Conrad. Even while cuddling in bed with Jeremiah in her dorm, she also sleeps with the stuffed polar bear Conrad gifted her when she was a child.
The puka shell bracelet is a symbol of Jeremiah's deceit and lies. He buys Belly the bracelet while in Cabo and gives it to her when he returns without telling her that he slept with Lacie.
The wedding ring is a symbol of desperation. Jeremiah gives it to Belly in the hopes that she will forgive him for cheating on her if he distracts her with a wedding ring.
The rib eye steak is a symbol of Jeremiah's cluelessness. He orders the most expensive food on the menu when Belly's dad takes them out to lunch even though Mr. Conklin does not have much money.
The wedding cake is a symbol of the incompatibility of Jeremiah and Belly. Belly wants a carrot cake, but Jeremiah wants a chocolate raspberry cake. Jeremiah suggests combining the flavors, but Belly insists this would be a disgusting match.
Peaches are a symbol of sensual attraction. The first time Belly feels the urge to kiss Conrad in this novel is while they are at the peach-stand.
The glass unicorn is a symbol of the fragility of the love between Conrad and Belly. Conrad gifted Belly the unicorn for her birthday when they were children, but Jeremiah and Steven broke the horn off while they were wrestling.