War Horse
War Horse Ch.6 Summary
Need the War Horse Ch.6 Summary please

Need the War Horse Ch.6 Summary please
In Chapter Six, Joey finds that most of the men and horses of the cavalry regiment are optimistic and looking forward to war as they cross the English Channel. However, stormy weather does not bode well for the horses. At the docks, the regiment encounters soldiers who have been wounded in battle, awaiting passage back home. The sight of so many injured soldiers startles everyone in the regiment, but once they take to the open autumn countryside, their good mood returns. The regiment camps some distance from the front lines, and the sound of guns can be heard. Joey continues to take to Captain Nicholls, who is kind and gentle. Joey and the regiment are assigned the role of protecting the flank of the British forces from attacks by the Germans. After several days, they encounter the Germans. The entire cavalry regiment charges with Joey and Captain Nicholls in the lead, and the Germans are defeated though many men and horses are killed. Among them is Captain Nicholls. This saddens Joey greatly. Joey is tended to by Captain Stewart, who tells Joey that Nicholls would be proud of him.