War Comes to Willy Freeman

How is Willy greeted when she arrives at Aunt Betsy and Uncle Jack Arabus' in the novel, War Comes to Willy Freeman?


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When Aunt Betsy recognizes Willy, she says that Willy looks just like Lucy. Lucy tells Aunt Betsy the events that led her to arrive in Stratford, and Aunt Betsy begins to cry for her sister. Aunt Betsy holds Willy as if she was a child and Willy is comforted. Then Aunt Betsy asks what Willy plans to do next. Willy says she wants to stay with Aunt Betsy and promises that she'll work hard to earn her keep. Aunt Betsy says she doesn't know what her owner, Captain Ivers, will say and adds that she doesn't trust the Captain. Just then a man enters the kitchen and Willy meets her Uncle Jack. Aunt Betsy tells Jack what happened to Lucy and Jordan and Willy is glad she'd made the trip.


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