Waiting For Eden
How is Eden's hospital room at the Antonio Burn Center described in the novel, Waiting For Eden?
Located on the fourth floor of the hospital, the burn center is, as expected, an aseptic place with sterile surroundings. Eden has a room of his own, and it is a regular hospital room with a hospital bed, a heater “mounted inside a vented ledge beneath the window” (40), a window with blinds (that are usually shut due to Eden’s sensitive injuries), and a linoleum floor. Eden is hooked to a plethora of monitors and tubes that surround “his bed like a drum set” (39) which the nurses check on a regular basis. Whenever Mary lies next to Eden on his hospital bed, she is careful not disturb these, as they are Eden’s life support. Also inside the room is a sofa where Mary spends most of her time. The room is quiet, except for the breathing unit, monitors and occasional squeak of shoes on the floor.