Victory City

What is the author's style in the novel, Victory City?


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The author uses a cyclical narrative structure to explore the inherently repetitive nature of history. The novel begins at the end of Pampa Kampana’s 247-year-long life and also ends with the completion of her narrative poem and her subsequent death. Victory City thus finds its structural inspiration from the life cycle. In the novel’s final chapter, after the narrator describes Bisnaga’s fall, he remarks, “So the story of Bisnaga ended as it began: with a severed head and a fire” (329). In spite of all of the phases and eras, defeats and triumphs, kings and queens the nation has seen over the course of its more than two centuries of existence, Bisnaga is consigned to the same fate as all its predecessors. Indeed, the author is using Bisnaga as a symbolic representation of human existence and human civilization.

