
Who is Lucky St. James in the novel, VenCo?


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Lucky St. James is the protagonist of VenCo. She is a young Métis woman in her twenties living in Toronto's East End with her paternal grandmother, Stella. Lucky was raised by her mother, Arnya. Arnya passed away when Lucky was a young child, and Lucky is continuously haunted by memories of her mother. Lucky has complex feelings about her mother's legacy, admiring her strength and determination but disliking how impulsive and irresponsible she often was. As a result, Lucky is much more practical and cautious than her mother.

At one point, Lucky had had dreams of being a writer. However, her writing was never considered "marketable" (21), and she was strongly discouraged by everyone in her life, including her teachers. At the open of the novel, Lucky has essentially given up on her dreams of being a writer and lives an unhappy, unsatisfactory life. Though she dreams and wants something more, she does not extend an effort to do so until she finds the spoon.

