Who is Brent Mini from Valis and what is their importance?

Brent Mini is an electronic music composer. He specializes in Synchronicity Music, which is reminiscent of the songs of the humpback whale. An MIT graduate, Mini is English. He has visited the USSR to see long-range microwave transfer experiments. He has published three LP albums and writes the score for the film Valis. In 1977 he lives with the film's stars, Eric ("Mother Goose") and Linda Lampton. He has been over-radiated by VALIS (the Vast Active Living Intelligence System) and has just been diagnosed with terminal multiple myeloma, brought on by an overexposure to radiation as he pushes to learn as much as possible from VALIS. Mini accidentally kills Sophia Lampton, the two-year-old daughter of his hosts, who is believed to be the promised Savior and dies shortly thereafter.