Urn Burial
What is the setting in the novel, Urn Burial?

Westall has set Urn Burial in the Pennine chain of northern England, near the Scottish border. The fell country is an isolated land of rain, prehistoric ruins, and heather. The sheep that run loose on the steep hills are still a major source of income, and shepherding is a respected profession. Life remains rather primitive on the fells, but the homes have electricity and running water and the shepherds reach their flocks on motorbikes.
Urn Burial's more otherworldly settings include the decrepit, but menacing spaceship of the Wawaka, with its ghastly closetlike cages full of human remains and mold add to the horror of Ralph's realization that the aliens regard him as little more than an experimental animal. The enormous underground tomb of the dead Fefethil hero, on the other hand, with its giant statues, star-fretted dome, working space fleet, and preserved remains of the hideous Attock, give Ralph and the reader real insight into the true magnificence and power of the galactic culture the Fefethil represent.