
What is the author's style in the novel, Upgrade?


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Since Upgrade is a science fiction novel with an emphasis on the complexities of genetic engineering, it contains a significant amount of jargon in the exposition. For example, when Logan is taken to the secret base and learns of his genetic mutations, he and Edwin spend multiple pages discussing the exact genomes that have been changed. Logan himself is also prone to explaining complex concepts using advanced vocabulary, acronyms, and scientific terms just as someone with his intellect would. While this allows the reader to see how complicated all of the novel’s science is, Logan is pretty good at simplifying the ideas once the exposition is complete. Therefore, the reader does understand the science enough to know what is happening and predict what problems may arise as the novel continues.

Furthermore, these numerous descriptions of scientific jargon and research shows how complicated the concept of genetic engineering actually is. The author wants the reader to question who is in the right by showing that both sides have clear reasons for believing the way they do. For example, Miriam’s belief that sentimentality is hindering human survival is backed up by Logan’s own research a few chapters later. However, Logan’s concerns about the dangers of the upgrade is later followed up with his research into how it is killing people in Glasgow. Due to this, the morality of genetic manipulation is always at the forefront of the readers mind. No side is completely right, but neither is entirely wrong either, The only time the novel outright speaks about the use behind this knowledge is at the very beginning of the novel when Dr. Romero tells Logan, “[Y]ou can’t just put this knowledge back into the box” (15). Once genetic engineering exists, it cannot be forgotten. How the world should use remains up to debate, even past the novel’s ending.

