
How does the author use foreshadowing in the novel, Unteachable?


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Foreshadowing throughout the novel gives a sense that Maise and Evan’s relationship is doomed. Even from the first chapter, it is foreshadowed that Evan will be Maise’s teacher. It is not much of a surprise for the reader when Maise discovers that Evan is her film studies teacher. Maise searches information about statutory rape, making sure they are legal by age. Even though they are, Maise thinks much about the implications that it would have for Evan if they were to get caught since she is his student.

It is in Chapter Four that Maise is first afraid that she has made a mistake in their relationship. She calls Ethan to come pick her up when she gets drunk at Hiyam’s party. This seems to precipitate her fears they will be discovered. When Maise first spends the night at Ethan’s apartment, she is afraid they are purposefully sabotaging their relationship. On their first trip to spend with weekend in Park’s loft, Maise believes that all the red lights they encounter are a sign that she should stop the relationship.

These fears are multiplied when Hiyam does confront Maise about the relationship. It is Hiyam’s blackmailing of Maise that makes her break up with Evan without telling him why. The hints and forecasting that Maise's and Ethan’s relationship will end badly throughout the book leads to a point where there is doubt that Evan will join Maise on the plane to California.

