Tree of Smoke
The theme of loss
There is a theme of Loss what are some exaples from the book on that theme

There is a theme of Loss what are some exaples from the book on that theme
An example of loss is seen in the people who remain at home in America while their loved ones fight in Vietnam. Mrs. Houston, mother of Bill and James Houston, is in Phoenix while her sons serve in the American military. She prays for her sons and fears constantly for their safety. At one point, James calls home and finds that his mother is frantic with worry. Colonel Sands' wife files for divorce because he has spent so many years living in war zones. Bill Houston comes across a young woman who married a man who was killed in Vietnam. She was relieved that she wouldn't have to become reacquainted with this man upon his return. She realized that she had changed and knew that her husband would be different as well.
The reader should also look at the Vietnamese people as an example of loss. There are many young women acting as prostitutes and others who find ways to profit from the presence of the Americans. Many are afraid of the Americans while others align themselves with specific Americans in the hope of having a better life once the war is over.