
What is the narrator point of view in the novel, Trash?


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There are multiple narrators in the novel, as different characters jump in to add their unique perspectives to the events occurring. The novel is told with first-person, past-tense narration. All the characters are relating from the future, and are aware of what occurred and how action unfolded. Each narrator provides the story from a first person point of view, and their roles and lengths vary as well. Most of the narrators are primary actors in the novel, such as Raphael and the other Behala boys, while people like Grace make one-time appearances, offering testimonials that supplement a small aspect of the novel.

With Raphael being the primary narrator, the other voices come and go, some becoming prominent as the novel goes on. Jun in particular has a bigger role and voice when he becomes embroiled with the activities of Raphael and Gardo directly. Olivia Weston and Father Julliard are introduced in the middle of the novel and then fade away as the events of the novel go past them. The plot is revealed in a linear fashion, and the narrators mirror the movement of action as well. The different parts are arranged so the characters speak when they fit the portion of the story that is relevant to them.


Trash, BookRags