Can i get a summary for chapter 2?
I dont got money to get the summary for chapter 2 and 3

I dont got money to get the summary for chapter 2 and 3
Here is chapter 3:
In Chapter 3, a week passes. Things return to normal as much as they can. Every so often, John catches his grandma crying around the house. John begins to do more work around the house and the farm in the afternoon as Grandpa does less and less himself. John enjoys the extra hard work because it allows him to focus on something other than his grandpa’s situation. One evening as John works, he sees a beautiful doe watching him and seemingly waiting for something. He dwells on this, trying to understand the beauty of the moment. John’s grandpa reminds him that sometimes, beauty simply has to be enjoyed for itself rather than chewed on. Still, John cannot help but wonder about the reason for the doe waiting.