
What role does greed play over the course of the book?


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Greed is a theme of the novel because it is a basic motivation for several of the characters. In the past, Marek and his team are thrust into a world that is one large battlefield between the French and the English. The French are not happy that the English are continuously attempting to conquer their lands. For this reason, there is a great deal of fighting between the two sides. Of particular interest in this novel is the greed of Sir Oliver in taking Castelgard and La Roque, and Arnaut’s greed in wanting to take it back. This causes Marek and his team to be stuck in the middle of two battling hotheads.

In the modern world, the CEO of ITC has already made billions of dollars with his three previous companies. However, he continues to search for ways to make money. To do this, Doniger decides to use his time traveling machine to build historic sites as close to reality as possible. The reason for this is to buy up the land around these sites and build hotels, restaurants, and stores so that he can make more money from the tourists.

If not for greed, there might not be the time traveling machine. Without greed, there might not have been the need of medieval man to fight for more territory. Therefore, without greed, there might not have been a motive for some of the characters of this novel.

