This Mournable Body

What are the motifs in the mournable body and what do they mean

What are the motifs in this mournable body and what do they signify

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Though the novel depicts the traumatic impacts of the war for independence on all segments of Zimbabwean society, the novel shows how women become the primary objects of that violence as it continues to circulate through Zimbabwean culture and society. To be clear, violence courses through this entire society, and is the product of a grisly and drawn-out war for independence. Many passages in this novel, like this following one, reflect these violent undercurrents: “You do not talk about how citizens dissented and how their ghastly crushing cast bodies into disused mine shafts and swept them into railway carriages like debris dropped by whirlwind” (50). In this passage, the narrative flags to the reader the violence of the past, while also suggesting that this is a history and these are experiences that have been actively repressed. The men and women who lived through the independence struggle “do not talk” (50) about it.