The Year of the Runaways

What is an example of imagery in the novel, The Year of the Runaways?


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Example of Imagery:

His heart was thick in his chest. He didn't know where he was going. He didn't know this place. He didn't know this country. He spotted a payphone and dialed his mamma. He couldn't get through. He tried four, five times. He bang-banged the receiver down and looked up. Their faces were in the glass. Jaytha. Rishi. Gurpreet. What he'd done to them. He'd done. He looked down at himself as if for the first time seeing the violence inside him. He was terrified. He didn't mean to do it. (Chapter 11)

The others were still reciting, beautifully, tunefully; their faces lifted and ardent. She knew what they were feeling and knew she no longer felt it herself. Something had gone wrong. (Chapter 11)


The Year of the Runaways