The World Is Too Much With Us

What is poet's tone in the poem, The World Is Too Much With Us?


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The overall tone of the speaker’s voice is a highly critical one. Their perspective is not one of someone who disagrees profoundly with the direction in which society is headed. According to their point of view, modern industrialized society is out of tune with the natural world and in need of balance. They are in no way timid in their urgings, even going so far as to suggest that a complete overhaul of social values and creeds might be necessary to cure an ailing civilization. Their desire for humanity to forsake the dogmas and values of monotheistic Christianity and revert back to Paganism would have been considered a very radical perspective for Wordsworth’s era. In addition to their criticisms of industrialization and Christianity, the speaker appears also to be critical of human nature in general, regarding people as selfish beings who shun nature simply because they cannot see the profit in it.


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