The Wonder Boy of Whistle Stop

What is an example of symbolism in the novel, The Wonder Boy of Whistle Stop?


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Bud’s missing arm/prosthetic arm is a symbol of the person he became. Bud tells Billy that after he lost his arm, he was on his way to becoming a “royal jerk” (129) when Idgie got him a three-legged dog as a present. Bud saw that the dog did not feel sorry for itself and could do everything the other dogs could do so he decided he should not feel sorry for himself either. Bud goes on to be a high school football star and then gets his license to be a veterinarian even though some people doubted he could do the work. Bud additionally retired from the army as a full captain.

Bud’s arm is also a symbol of identity. When the police are looking for Bud one of the descriptors they use is that he may or may not a left arm.

The arm is a symbol of coincidence. Ruthie is angry when she learns that her father forgot to pick up his prosthetic arm when the paramedics came for him. Later the reader learns that Bud had chosen to sit under Idgie’s bee tree. It is because he leaves that arm that the deed listing Idgie as the current owner of the strip of land next to Whistle Stop is found.


The Wonder Boy of Whistle Stop, BookRags