The Women of Chateau Lafayette

What is the importance of Versailles, France in the novel, The Women of Chateau Lafayette?


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Adrienne is the only main character to visit and stay in Versailles. She is excited to be presented at court when she is just 15 years old and Lafayette is 17 (92). Philippe immediately takes a liking to Adrienne and harasses her on the dance floor (92). He takes it upon himself to embarrass Lafayette and trip him while he is dancing with the queen, Marie Antoinette (93). Although Adrienne likes the social nature of Versailles, it is not a place that one can stay too long and still keep their morals. Adrienne recalls her mother’s words when she thinks, “...I understood now that the court was every bit the nest of vipers my mother feared.” (93-94).


The Women of Chateau Lafayette, BookRags